Saturday, April 4, 2020


March sure was a crazy one with the corona virus! I didn't really get much at all done on any of my lists.

101 Things in 1001 Days


Not a thing

In progress:
  • #4: Read the main Bible events chronologically (I do this almost every day, another week or so in the Old Testament then on to the new. This might take me into summer yet.)
  • #92: Convert video tapes to DVD: Allison and I watched parts of all the tapes to make sure I want to have each one converted; now I just have to send them in somewhere but it's so expensive! But I need to do it. 
I just can't seem to find the motivation to do many of the things left on the list. Plus many of them I *can't* do because of the corona virus restrictions.

Monthly Health Goals

March's goal was "No caffeine" (initially also "no alcohol" but since I hardly ever have it I didn't see the need to give it up for a month. I had a glass or two of champagne at Mike and Melanie's house earlier in the month and a glass of wine with Jay near the end of the month). I thought I would try drinking tea for the month and I bought 3 different kinds from Fava Tea but I didn't care for it. So I just had decaf coffee all month, I just couldn't give up coffee completely! I didn't feel any different (better or worse) being off caffeine all month, and I did drink regular coffee on March 31 only because I ran out of decaf and I wasn't going to buy more for one month.

20 in 2020

Other than reading a lot I'm not doing much from this list. Again some of it I can't do right now due to the corona virus. I did try to do the Real Food Mini Challenge. I did good for week one which was have at least 2 servings of fruit/vegetables at each meal. The second week was easy, no fried food or fast food since I hardly eat that anyway. And then I lost motivation and haven't done the rest. So I'll be replacing that one with something else when I edit the list in June.

Looking ahead to April:

These are things I might try to do:

  • Eat vegan for one week
  • Learn a new song on the piano and be able to play it well
  • Send my video tapes in to be converted to DVD
  • Start my herb garden
  • Sew a mask or project bag
  • Find a small storage unit online (small dresser maybe) to put in my bedroom by the window

Find out at the end of April is I actually do any of them!


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my...