Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 Ha ha, most of my lofty goals for July didn't happen. I did complete 2 things though:

#25 I finished or attempted to read all the books mentioned in Eight Perfect Murders including that book.

#85 Finish a Sudoku puzzle.


I made progress on many goals, such as reading my devotion book almost daily, starting 2 more Mother Bears which I will finish in August then that goal will be complete, worked in my puzzle book, took the family selfie, bought a cactus I'm calling Joan 😀 (#11 small home improvement project).  

Lord willing I will be finishing at least 3 or 4 goals in late August/early September because we'll be going to South Dakota on August 29 and I will finish both Mother Bears which will complete that goal.


 Finished since my last update: #5  Memorize the hymn My Father’s World #29  Watch a movie of a book I already read (i.e. Still Alice) #79 I...