Wednesday, September 15, 2021


I finished five goals in August (and the first few days of September).

#4 - Complete a devotional book - I finished Less Clutter, More Joy by Karen DeBeus

#48 - Went on a Lake Geneva cruise with Jay on 8/4 

#51 - Visited a National Park (actually 3) - Badlands, Devil's Tower, and Mount Rushmore, the week of 9/29 to 9/4  

#52 - Travel to a new state - South Dakota from 8/29 to 9/3, and Wyoming on 8/31

#54 - Visit 3 new cities - Sioux Falls, SD, Lead, SD, Keystone, SD, Rapid City, SD, Rochester, MN


I didn't knit much the last week or two of August so I didn't finish the Mother Bears. They both just need faces. I'm sure I will finish them in September. 

I will finish the year of monthly selfies this month. I started last October when I started this list.

I might finish the word puzzle book.

I'd like to try geocaching or letterboxing. 

I've been slowly learning The Star Spangled Banner for my piano song I want to learn well. I'll keep working on that. 

I plan to start memorizing Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

****With the 5 goals I finished the month I have about 1/3 of the goals completed in about 1/3 of the 1001 days. So I'm on track!****


 Finished since my last update: #5  Memorize the hymn My Father’s World #29  Watch a movie of a book I already read (i.e. Still Alice) #79 I...