Friday, May 29, 2020


101 Things in 1001 Days


Read the main Bible events chronologically - finished mid-May

In progress:

Join a CSA - still waiting to hear back from them if they will be doing an Appleton drop this year. They will refund my money if not.

That's it. :-)

20 in 2020

What I did do: I am well on my way to reading 75 books (read 50 so far) and 9 of them have been on audio. I planted the Christmas basil I got from Lynn and the herbs I got from Kathy, still have to plant them outside but I consider these 2 goals done. So I completed 4 things so far.

That said, I'm going to totally redo this list. First of all my tendonitis (better but not gone) might prevent me from finishing the two knitting goals and the goal to learn 3 songs on the ukulele, depending on when I start knitting again. The Covid-19 restrictions prevent me (or will probably prevent me depending on when and how much the restrictions are lifted) from volunteering somewhere, going on a Lake Geneva cruise and to LaCrosse with Jay. It's possible I can do those things but it's up in the air. So I'm going to redo the list and start fresh in June. I might still have a knitting goal on the list and change 3 songs to 1 song on the ukulele.


The goal was to eat 5 servings of vegetables every day. I thought this would be easy, it was not! Well some days it was easy, other days not so much. I started out writing what I ate every day and lost motivation and stopped doing it. It did open my eyes to see I don't eat as many vegetables as I thought. Some days I ate more than 5 servings but most days I probably ate fewer than 5. So even though I didn't accomplish this goal, it did accomplish something and I will continue to try to eat more veggies.

Looking ahead to June.....

I doubt it will happen but I'd like to get the desk area organized in our bedroom. I think it WILL get done before the end of the year but maybe not before my 101 Things list expires on 9/28 and probably not in June but I'll leave this here anyway.

Jay and I have been watching The Crown; maybe I can get him to watch Pride and Prejudice with me, otherwise I'll try to watch it alone in June.

I have an app for learning bridge, I'm going to try to get started on that.

I could also do the "take a book/leave a book" from a neighborhood library in June.

I was almost going to add a few more but I need to be realistic. I will probably spend most of June reading books on the deck. :-)

Saturday, May 2, 2020


101 Things in 1001 Days

92.Convert video tapes to DVD - I sent them in on Friday, May 1 so I just have to wait for them to come back, so DONE! Finally!

In Progress:
#4 Read the main Bible Events chronologically I'm still doing this almost every day and will definitely be done before the end of May.

#48 Join a CSA We signed up for one but it is tentative, if they get enough people in the Appleton area.

So not as much progress as I would like, I 'd really like to start knocking some of these things off the list! I definitely have more time in my days due to the Corona virus but on the other hand there are quite a few things I can't do while we are supposed to be "social distancing".

Monthly Health Goals

I made April's goal pretty easy - do 10 squats every other day using my exercise ball (the exercises the PT gave me for my back which I no longer do ooops. Anyway I had no problem accomplishing this.

May's goal is to eat 5 servings of veggies per day. That should be fairly easy but I will have to be diligent to make sure i eat enough.

20 in 2020

I read ELEVEN! books in April including 4 on audio so I'll have no problem reaching my goal of 75 books for the year (I've currently read 34 books). I also sewed 3 face masks though I don't plan to wear one unless they make me. I made the first one for Ben to wear at Biolife and he said it works good.

Looking ahead to May:

I plan to get my 5 herb garden plants potted and also plant the Christmas Basil. I'm looking over my 101 Things list and I just don't feel motivated to do any of it right now. But maybe that will change. I can't do so many of the things because of the stay at home order. But we'll see what the summer holds. I have until the end of September to do things! I won't even be close to finishing the whole list but it's fun anyway. I plan to do another one shortly after this one is finished and try to put a few more easily doable things on it.


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my...