I've made a lot of progress on many goals and finished a few in January:
#3 Finished a few more attributes of God.
#4 I did a few devotions in Less Clutter, More Joy by Karen DeBeus.
#5 Basement is ALMOST done! Everything has been decluttered, put in tubs or organized in some way, and put away. Several bags of things have been taken to Goodwill. The only thing I have left to do is sell/give away a few things. This goal will definitely be DONE in February.
#14 Finished knitting a hat and will donate these next month.
#25 Started and finished The Drowner by John MacDonald and put Malice Aforethought by Francis Isles on hold at the library (it's on order and I'm #2 on the holds list so not sure when I will get this.) Then I will only have The Secret History (a long one) left before I read Eight Perfect Murders. I have The Red House Mystery on my Kindle, tried to read it but couldn't get into it. I may or may not give it another try, might just call that one a dnf and move on. I also tried to read the play Deathtrap and couldn't get into that one so I'm not going to read it.
#36 I'm almost done memorizing the countries of Europe then I will just have Asia, Antarctica, and Australia left. Then I will spend a month reviewing everything until I can do every continent with at least 90% accuracy then I will consider this done. I am really enjoying doing this! I am using the map quizzes on seterra.com to help with this. It's fun!
#39 I bought a new puzzle. DONE.
#81 I am working on my dog puzzle. I'm about 50-60% done.
#82 Took the family selfie on the last day of January. :-) So far on track to do 12 months in a row. I've only been able to get all 5 of us one month, it's next to impossible to have us all in one place at one time. This month's photo was Jay, me, Lindsey, and Allison.
#84 I finished my yarn puzzle. There was one piece missing, grrr! But DONE.
#86 Sold or gave away all the homeschool books that I didn't want/need anymore. Kept a few since I'm homeschooling Allison again. So DONE.
#100 Had a rock painting day with all my sisters at Kathy's. So fun and DONE.