Sunday, May 9, 2021


 I only finished 1 goal in April:

#24 - I hosted a Reading Day with my sisters. Ginny, Kathy, and Lynn came. We read, we talked, we ate Red Robin, and we played Milwaukee Salad.

However, I made progress on quite a few goals:

#3 - added at least one attribute of God to my list

#4 - completed 2 entries (lessons? devotions?) per day in my book by Karen DeBeus

#23 I read one book over 500 pages (goal is 3) - The Secret History by Donna Tartt

#25 Above book is one of the books in Eight Perfect Murders - I have one book left which I have on hold at the library 

#32 Still practicing Canasta on an app

#33 Practicing piano at least 3 or 4 days a week - waiting to be a little better to choose a song to learn to complete this goal

#78 Added change to my container

#82 Took the monthly selfie

In February I went bowling with Allison (#70) but I don't think I ever recorded it here. We've gone bowling 3 times so far with the Green Bay homeschool group. Somehow I bowled a 144 which is a miracle. I'm happy if I break 100 which I don't always do.

What I hope to finish in May:

#26 Read a book randomly pulled off a library shelf. I have a book but haven't started it yet. I DNF books a lot so there is no guarantee this goal will be completed with this particular book

#32 Play a game of Canasta with live opponents on the app instead of just playing against the computer, then I will call this goal done. Ideally I'd like to play against people in person but I'd need to get 3 more people and try to teach them. I'm note sure if anyone would be interested in this.

#43 Find something to put my pencil collection in and put it on the bookshelf next to my desk

#53 Walk on the trail starting in Hortonville with Jay and Allison

#68 Watch Pride and Prejudice - maybe while Jay is gone to his friend Dave's mid-month?

#88 Spend a day going to garage sales with Allison

#94 Give a book/take a book from a neighborhood library

Should be interesting in my May update to see if I finished any or all of these in May. It's definitely do-able.


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my...