Thursday, February 6, 2020

End of January Update

101 Things in 1001 Days

The only thing I've done is I'm working through reading the main events of the Bible chronologically. It will probably take me a few months to complete.

Monthly Health Goals

I did really well with January's goal of intermittent fasting. A few times we didn't finish dinner until after 6:00 and once or twice I had to eat earlier than 10:00 in the morning but for the most part I complied. I'm continuing to do it in February though I might be a little less strict.

So far 6 days into February I've stuck to under 10 grams of sugar per day, yay!

20 in 2020

Ha! I've been reading a lot, that's it.


I hope to accomplish more in February!


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my...