Saturday, March 7, 2020


101 Things in 1001 Days

In progress:
  • Read the main Bible events chronologically. (Not quite half done, still in the Old Testament)
  • Basement organized into tubs and shelves. (I've spent quite a bit of time the past few weeks organizing the basement. Everything has been organized but we still need to get some sort of shelving to put it all away)
  • Sell ALL homeschool books and redo hall closet. (Hall closet has been decluttered but same as basement, need to figure out how to arrange things and decide what to keep in that closet and what to put elsewhere. Tried to sell a few homeschool books on Facebook Marketplace with no success (have tried several times before, also with no success. I think whatever I don't sell by the end of summer/beginning of fall I will donate somewhere)
Probably won't do before the 1001 days is up:
  • Read Knitter’s Life List, checking off boxes and filling in lists as you go (Not enough time to complete this)
  • Get a facial (expensive!)
  • Watch all remaining episodes of Call the Midwife (way too many left to finish especially since we rarely watch TV but we will keep watching)
  • Do a Lifebook for Lindsey and Allison. (will take time and focused work on this and I feel I don't have the brain power these days!)
  • Put together journals for Ben, Lindsey, and Allison.Finish Lindsey’s 100 Good Wishes Quilt and scrapbook (same reason as doing the Lifebooks)
  • Finish Allison’s 100 Good Wishes Quilt and scrapbook. (again, will take tons of time and I think I need more wishes)
  • Snowshoeing (considering the the snow is already melting and this ends in September, I probably won't get to this. But you never know since this is Wisconsin after all and I'm sure we'll get at least one more snow storm. However I don't feel like doing winter things anymore, I want spring!)
  • Milwaukee Bucks game (tickets got way too expensive this year with how well the Bucks are playing but I hope to go to a game next season)
  • Anything involving knitting due to my tendonitis
  • I won't get all the day long things done (Craft Day, Game Day, Soup Party) but I hope to do at least one of those.
Monthly Health Goals

February's goal was to eat less than 10g of sugar per day. This was easier than I thought it would be but still challenging. I only "cheated" twice - once we went out to dinner with the Macys and I got pancakes with syrup and we came back here and had gourmet cupcakes that Lindsey bought for us - I only ate half at least :-). The second time was when we went to Mike and Melanie's house and we had some sweets and I gave myself a pass that day. Okay, technically I "cheated" one more time but it was after supper on the last day of February, we went to Paradise Island and got ice cream. But I decided I did so well all month that I could end it a few hours early. :-)

For March I am going to change it to just no caffeine; I don't drink that much alcohol anyway. I'm still doing intermittent fasting and less than 10g of sugar every day as much as possible but I'm not worrying about not doing it here and there.

20 in 2020

Honestly I haven't given much thought to this list. It was a busy month of appointments and other things. I'm working on the Real Food Mini Challenge and of course I'm always reading.

Also, I heard this suggestion somewhere, that in June you can change 2 of your 20 goals to something else. I like this idea because sometimes things change and you're not able to complete a goal or two (such as my limited knitting time at the moment)

Looking ahead to March:

I started the Real Food Mini Challenge (which is on both my 101 Things List and the 20 in 2020 list) on March 2. So far so good....
  • Week 1: 2 servings of fruits/vegetables every meal
  • Week 2: No deep fried or fast food (that will be easy, I hardly eat any of that anyway)
  • Week 3: No artificial ingredients (should also be relatively easy but we'll see)
  • Week 4: No refined sweeteners (ack! even though i'm doing good with <10g of sugar per day, this is NO sugar, not sure if I can do it)
  • Week 5: 5-Ingredient rule (should be relatively easy
  • Week 6: 100% whole grain (a little more difficult but doable)


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my...