Ooops how quickly I forget. I forgot about this blog! I suppose it's because I haven't really been working on any of my 101 Things goals, though I HAVE been working on what to put on my new list. I think my current list is as done as it's going to get. It is over on Monday, my birthday!
Going forward, I'm ONLY going to have my 101 Things list. It's too much to have 20 in 2020 or monthly goals - while I love lists I can only juggle so much! :-)
So......updates since I last wrote.....
We did join the CSA and got our weekly delivery for 4 weeks. We really enjoyed it - the strawberries and peaches were delicious, and we enjoyed the other veggies too for the most part. Four weeks was long enough for us though.
I don't think I finished any other goals. So I'm calling it done. I completed 48 goals (almost half! so not too bad but could be better). I made progress on 10 goals, and didn't even start 43 goals.A few on that last category I have no desire to do anymore. I'll try to improve this on my next list. I'm making a note to myself that halfway through the 101 days I can change up to 5 goals. I'll only do this if any of the goals become impossible to do or I really really REALLY don't want to do them anymore. :-)
I'm hoping to update this monthly again once I start my new list on October 1.