Thursday, November 3, 2022


 I finished 2 goals before September but forgot to record them:

#10 Set up a Pinterest board for every room in the house. I have a board for each room but a few room boards have nothing in them but I realized I could count this as done since I did "set up" a board for each room.

#11 Do 5 small home improvement projects... I bought a picture of a do in glasses back in spring or early summer and forgot to count it. 

In September I finished:

#101 Do a Random Act of Kindness... When Jay and I were in Door County in September for our 35th anniversary we went out for ice cream and only had a $10 bill for the tip so we just gave it to the counter girl. The bill was only just under $11 I think so that's an almost 100% tip and I'm going to count it as a RAK. It was definitely random, it was a spur of the moment decision, not planned.

In October Ginny and I went to the Madison library. I need to visit one more library to complete #50. 

I think I am slowing down on completing goals because most of the "easier" goals are done. I want to fill my next list with 3/4 easy goals. :-)

Thursday, August 4, 2022


 The only thing I finished is #2: Read the New Testament in two weeks. 

Wah wah.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


 I finished #1 - Old Testament Survey. I put together my own study and I learned a lot.

I finished #27 - Read the entire catalog of one author - Colleen Oakley.  I think I actually finished this in May oops. The books I read were:

  • The Invisible Husband of Frick Island
  • Before I Go (my favorite of the 4)
  • You Were There Too
  • Close Enough to Touch (my least favorite)
That's it. I think I slow down on this list in the summer. I have one year left!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


 Not much to report. 

Working on .......

#1 - Old Testament Survey - will finish sometime in June


#27 - Read the entire catalog of one author:  I read all 4 books by Colleen Oakley:

  • Before I Go
  • Close Enough to Touch
  • You Were There Too
  • The Invisible Husband of Frick Island

Tuesday, May 3, 2022



#23 Read 3 books of 500+ pages (needed 2 more) 

Cloud Cuckoo Land finished 4/10

The Rose Squad finished 4/24 

That's it. I made progress on a few others goals not worth noting.

Sunday, April 3, 2022


 Start Date: October 1, 2020

End Date: June 29, 2023

BOLD: Complete  Italics: In Progress

  1. Do an “Old Testament Survey” type of study

  2. Read the New Testament in two weeks.

  3. Write down an attribute of God for every letter of the alphabet.

  4. Complete a whole devotional book.

  5. Basement organized, everything on shelves.

  6. Redo the hall closet.

  7. Remodel bedroom-comforter, paint, decor, window treatment

  8. Take shelf down in The Room and replace it with something else.

  9. Declutter 100 items in one week

  10. Set up a Pinterest board for every room in the house

  11. Do 5 small home improvement projects (ex. plants, kitchen towels, artwork, etc)

  12. Learn to knit English and do 2 color knitting.

  13. Knit 3 Mother Bears.

  14. Knit 2 hats for charity and give them away along with all the other hats you still haven’t donated.

  15. Dye my bare Knit Picks yarn.

  16. Sew a shirt.

  17. Sew a pair of lounge pants.

  18. Sew an apron for myself and for gifts

  19. Host a craft day here.

  20. Complete a small cross stitch project including framing or other way to display.

  21. Read a book in one day.

  22. Ask 5 people their favorite book and read them.

  23. Read 3 books of 500+ pages.

  24. Have an all day reading day (minimum 8 hours).

  25. Read all 8 books mentioned in Eight Perfect Murders then read that book (can DNF any you don’t like including EPM)

  26. Read a book randomly pulled off a library shelf.

  27. Read the entire catalog of one author.

  28. Join a book club or literary society.

  29. Participate in “Middle Grade March” - read at least one middle grade per week in the month of March (any year of this list)

  30. Learn to play a ukulele (minimum 3 songs reasonably well)

  31. Learn CPR.

  32. Learn to play a new classic card game like bridge or sheepshead.

  33. Learn a new song on the piano and be able to play it well.

  34. Read a children’s book in Spanish (edited from German)

  35. Take ballroom dancing lessons with Jay.

  36. Be able to identify every country in the world.

  37. Jean jacket

  38. An old Bible at an antique store or thrift store

  39. A new puzzle

  40. A new wallet

  41. A new purse

  42. A new sewing machine

  43. Something to display my pencil collection

  44. New glasses

  45. Snowshoeing.

  46. Drive-in movie.

  47. Wisconsin State Fair.

  48. Lake Geneva cruise with Jay

  49. LaCrosse

  50. Go to 3 libraries you’ve never been to

  51. Visit a national park

  52. Travel to a state I’ve never been to

  53. Go on a walk on the trail in Hortonville

  54. Visit 3 new cities

  55. Have a smoothie every day for a week

  56. Eat a whole meal with chopsticks.

  57. Make Sour Soup.

  58. Bike ride with Jay.

  59. Get 50,000 steps in one day.

  60. Walk a 10K.

  61. Play tennis with someone (or a family tennis marathon?)

  62. Do a Lifebook for Lindsey and Allison.

  63. Put together journals for Ben, Lindsey, and Allison.

  64. Finish Lindsey’s 100 Good Wishes Quilt and scrapbook.

  65. Finish Allison’s 100 Good Wishes Quilt and scrapbook. (need more wishes?)

  66. Try Stitch Fix.

  67. Get highlights in my hair again.

  68. Watch Pride and Prejudice.

  69. Go to a movie at the theater.

  70. Go bowling.

  71. Listen to 5 songs each by 5 classical composers.

  72. Play a game with family or anyone for 7 days straight 

  73. Write a letter to myself by 1014/20 to open when this is over (June 29, 2023)

  74. Write a letter to myself by 1014/20 to open in 10 years (October 1, 2030)

  75. Write a letter to myself on January 1, 2021 to read on December 31, 2021.

  76. Write a letter to myself on January 1, 2022 to read on December 31, 2022.

  77. Take a day out for myself.

  78. Save $50 in change.

  79. Host an all day Game Day.

  80. Host a Soup Party.

  81. Do dog puzzle.

  82. Take a family selfie once a month for a year.

  83. Go ziplining.

  84. Finish yarn puzzle

  85. Finish a Sudoku puzzle.

  86. Sell/give away homeschool books

  87. Play Kick the Can

  88. Spend a day going to garage sales

  89. Go one week without spending (not including bills).

  90. Try geocaching or letterboxing

  91. Make an Advent Calendar

  92. Get a professional family portrait done

  93. Make a Chester photo book

  94. Leave a book and take a book at a neighborhood “library”

  95. Complete a word puzzle book

  96. Sleep until noon.

  97. Volunteer somewhere

  98. Memorize the Gettysburg Address.

  99. Use all gift cards

  100. Rock painting with my sisters.

  101. Do a Random Act of Kindness (send someone flowers, leave $ somewhere, 

      pick up trash, give someone baked goods, etc.)



#23 Read 3 books of 500+ pages.  I have two 500+ books to finish this goal.


#9 Declutter 100 items in one week. This was hard since I did a huge declutter just over a year ago. But I managed to find enough things to get rid off (throw away or Goodwill)

#28 Join a book club or literary society. Met with my sisters on 3/7 for a zoom book club; met with Naomi Benz for a two-person book club. Plan to do both more often - with my sisters once a month and with Naomi whenever we figure out a book and a time to meet.

I am almost halfway done with my list - 50 done, 51 to go. I have until the end of June 2023. 

Saturday, March 5, 2022


I finished 2 things and made progress on several others.


#67    Get highlights in my hair again  
            DONE 2/21/22

#96    Sleep until noon 
            Okay I don't really "sleep" until noon, but basically stay in bed all morning (I did get up                     to  feed the dogs and to make my coffee but then came back to bed) 
            DONE 2/6/22


#9    Declutter 100 items in one week - I started this on February 26, I have until March 4

#22    Ask 5 people their favorite book and read each one - Amanda Dunn recommended 
            The Power of One and I finished it - so I've read 1 of the 5 books so far

#23    Find a book club or literary society - Set a date of March 7 to do a Zoom 
            book club/literary society with my sisters. Also planning to read and discuss a book 
            with Naomi Benz and possibly going to her church's book club when they start a new book

Friday, February 4, 2022


 I didn't accomplish much in January. 

#76 Write a letter to myself on 1/1/22 to be read on 12/31/22 (finished during the first week)

#79 Host an all day Game Day (had my family here on 1/22, very fun!) 

Hoping for more in February! :-)

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 I finished THREE goals in December:

#92  Get a professional family portrait done - had one taken on December 5 at Doty Park, have yet to print any yet but the goal doesn't say that has to be done to call it good :-)

#98  Memorize the Gettysburg Address - I can almost say this in my sleep now, it was a blast to memorize and it gives me chills at the end every time ...... That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 

Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863 

#99  Use all gift cards - used the last one at Tempest coffee shop


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my...