I finished #87, Write a letter to myself on 7/1/23 to open when this is over.
I didn't finish anything else yet but I've made progress on 5 other goals:
#2: Finish memorizing John 14 and 15 - I finished Chapter 14 and Im 2/3 done with Chapter 15.
#6: Read through the whole Bible - 2 books done so far
#9: Redo the recipe binder and try at least 5 new recipes from there - I got rid of anything I wasn't going to make and sorted the rest into categories.
#11: Knit a sweater for myself - I've narrowed it down to a few patterns, need to buy the yarn yet
#57: Make 5 new cocktails from the book Ben got you for Christmas - made 2 so far: Southside and Limontini