Saturday, June 8, 2024


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my last update. 

I know I've made progress on reading through the Bible (#6), redoing my recipe binder (#9) (about 3/4 done with that), completing a reading challenge (#32), I bought a new game, Cockroach Poker (#71), and taking a photo of the same place every month for a year (our backyard, on19th of each month).

I finished knitting myself a sweater (#11) and a short pair of socks (#12). 

I'm probably behind where I should be but all my goals are yet doable so I'll keep plugging along!


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my...