Sunday, January 12, 2020

Mid-January Update

101 Things in 1001 Days

Checked off #76:

"Learn, to my satisfaction, more about football - what the different positions do, different formations, etc."

I finished my almost year-long study of Matthew in the Bible so this week I'm going to start on #4:

"Read the main events in the Bible chronologically: (I have a reading plan for this)


Monthly Health Goals - January

I'm doing well with intermittent fasting (eat from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., fast from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m.). The only night I ate way past 6:00 was one where we went out to dinner with Jay's co-workers and I had no control over the timing of that. At least I have not eaten at all once I finished dinner. No eating at 9:00 p.m. all month so far. It's been relatively easy to do this. I haven't eaten before 10:00 a.m. at all either. So, so far, so good, with this.


20 in 2020

I'm combining #1 and #2, so my 75 book goal includes 2 of them being audiobooks. I'm keeping #2 open for now until I find something I really want to add.

Anything related to knitting is on hold right now due to my tendonitis in my left arm. That also prevents me from learning the ukulele right now.

I can cross off #20 which is starting this blog.


I think I'm just going to update this at the end of every month so I have (hopefully) have more progress to report.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

101 Things in 1001 Days

Here is my 101 Things in 1001 Days list. Items in bold are finished. I have 58 items yet to complete:

Start Date: January 1, 2018
End Date: September 28, 2020

  1. Find a church.
  2. Complete Bible studies using every method in Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods book.
  3. Memorize four passages (at least 2 verses) - from OT, NT, Psalms, and Proverbs.
  4. Read the main Bible events chronologically.
  5. Basement organized into tubs and shelves.
  6. Sell ALL homeschool books and redo hall closet.
  7. Clean out my bathroom closet, top to bottom.
  8. Purge files in cabinet downstairs.
  9. Shelves or other organizing system by desk area in bedroom.
  10. Get a new comforter and remodel bedroom.
  11. Take shelf down in The Room and replace it with something else.
  12. Get a new blanket to put over tears in living room couch.
  13. Get a new Sunday Basket
  14. Learn to knit English and do 2 color knitting.
  15. Knit a wheelchair blanket for St. Paul.
  16. Knit a blanket for Alice’s Embrace.
  17. Knit 4 pair of knockers.
  18. Knit sweaters for baby boy and baby girl for hope chest.
  19. Visit an LYS I haven’t been to before.
  20. Dye my bare Knit Picks yarn.
  21. Spend a whole afternoon/day going through every pattern/pattern book/magazine I own.
  22. Sew an apron for myself and for my Christmas sister gift..
  23. Sew a skirt.
  24. Sew a shirt.
  25. Host a craft day here.
  26. Read Knitter’s Life List, checking off boxes and filling in lists as you go
  27. Watch all remaining episodes of Call the Midwife.
  28. Watch Doc Martin Season 8.
  29. Watch Pride and Prejudice.
  30. Watch 5 old movies recommended by Ginny; watch at least one with her
  31. Watch A Christmas Story.
  32. Read a poetry collection and memorize one of the poems.
  33. Complete Modern Mrs. Darcy’s 2018 Reading Challenge
  34. Read all the books I own but haven’t read.
  35. Host a Reading Day with Ginny capped off by a trip to Barnes & Noble
  36. Go to a free summer concert.
  37. Get highlights in my hair.
  38. Get a facial.
  39. Try Stitch Fix.
  40. Do a Lifebook for Lindsey and Allison.
  41. Put together journals for Ben, Lindsey, and Allison.
  42. Print pictures from Allison’s adoption trip and put in album.
  43. Finish Lindsey’s 100 Good Wishes Quilt and scrapbook.
  44. Finish Allison’s 100 Good Wishes Quilt and scrapbook. (need more wishes?)
  45. Complete Real Food Mini-Challenge.
  46. Don’t eat sugar for one week.
  47. Eat vegan for one week.
  48. Join a CSA
  49. Eat raw foods only for one week.
  50. Make an angel food cake with fluffy frosting.
  51. Try a meal planning service
  52. Try 5 different new to you cocktails.
  53. Go for a walk by myself at Heckrodt.
  54. Strawberry picking.
  55. Snowshoeing.
  56. Drive-in movie.
  57. Wisconsin State Fair.
  58. Farmer’s Market
  59. Milwaukee Brewers game
  60. Milwaukee Bucks game
  61. Wisconsin Herd game
  62. Green Bay Blizzard game
  63. Camping
  64. Lake Geneva cruise with Jay
  65. LaCrosse
  66. Go to 3 libraries you’ve never been to
  67. Cloths for using instead of paper towels
  68. Jean jacket
  69. An old Bible at an antique store or thrift store
  70. Learn to play a ukulele.
  71. Learn CPR.
  72. Learn to play bridge.
  73. Learn a new song on the piano and be able to play it well.
  74. Read a children’s book in German.
  75. Do 30 consecutive days of DuoLingo German.
  76. Learn, to my satisfaction,more about football - what the different positions do, different formations, etc.
  77. Take a longer Myers Briggs test
  78. Host an all day Game Day.
  79. Write a letter to myself on January 1, 2018 to read on December 31, 2018.
  80. Sometime in January 2018, write a letter to myself to open when this is done.
  81. Host a Soup Party
  82. Plant a garden.
  83. Get a professional family portrait done.
  84. All pictures off my phone and organized into months - do as much organizing as you can starting with current month
  85. Low or no spending for one month.
  86. Do my Westie puzzle.
  87. Sleep until noon
  88. Plant something in Chester’s memory and put his stone next to it.
  89. Make an Advent Calendar.
  90. SC photo book
  91. Oregon photo book
  92. Convert video tapes to DVD
  93. Try geocaching or letterboxing
  94. Document a day in my life with a picture every hour.
  95. Spend a day going to garage sales.
  96. Play Kick the Can.
  97. Finish ½ of my To Do list dated January 1, 2018.
  98. Teach Theodore to come when called.
  99. Make a master grocery list spreadsheet.
  100. Read the Declaration of Independence.
  101. Leave a book and take a book at a neighborhood “library”

20 in 2020

Here is my 20 in 2020 list:

  1. Read 75 books.
  2. Listen to 2 audio books.
  3. Volunteer somewhere.
  4. Do a Random Act of Kindness.
  5. Replace shelf above laptop.
  6. Shelving/storage in bedroom.
  7. Plant Christmas basil. (Start beginning of May; plant outside after Memorial Day)
  8. Start herb garden.
  9. Knit a baby boy sweater for hope chest
  10. Sew something! Anything!
  11. Use all gift cards.
  12. Be able to play 3 songs on the ukulele
  13. Get a facial.
  14. Complete Real Food Mini Challenge
  15. Join a CSA.
  16. Go on a Lake Geneva cruise with Jay
  17. Go to Lacrosse.
  18. Training with Theo using the method Sylvia gave you.
  19. Knit 3 Mother Bears.
  20. Start a blog documenting my goals progress.

Goals and Lists

I'm a goal and list making nerd. I have a 101 Things in 1001 Days list that I started on January 1, 2018. It ends on September 28, 2020. For the new year I wrote up a Monthly Health Goals list and a 20 in 2020 list. I'm going to use this blog to keep track of my progress on all 3 lists. I'll start with my Monthly Health Goals. Where is says "EXERCISE" I still need to come up with some form of gentle exercise to do for that month. 

January - Intermittent fasting 16/8
February - 10 grams sugar per day
March - No caffeine or alcohol
April - Do 10 squats every other day
May - Eat 5 servings of vegetables every day
June - Track food every day
July - No (junk food) snacks
August - Drink 40 ounces of water every day
September - EXERCISE
October -  Take Theo for a walk 4 times per week
November - Have a smoothie 5 times per week
December - EXERCISE


I keep forgetting to update this blog and I'm nor positive about exactly what progress I've made and what I've finished since my...